Page name: The Den of Niveus [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 15:02:59
Last author: Vou
Owner: Vou
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Welcome to The Cluster, the main den of Niveus.

It is a labyrinth of tunnels and rooms that have been dug out by the clan's ancestors.
The Cluster is built inside a large group of hills and provide enough sheltering for the ever-growing population.
And if a wolf does not memorize how to navigate the tunnels as a pup, then they will be forever
lost in the labyrinth and no one will have any way of finding
said wolf due to how large it is.

Roleplay here.

Back to The Wolves of Karn.

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2007-08-01 [Ikko]: XD

2007-08-01 [Vou]: Dooode... I have a teacher named Salis.. well, Mr. Salis, but still... :X

2007-08-01 [Sharky87]: woa! XD I named her Salis because it's kinda opposite of Silas (From Da vinci code.. XD)

2007-08-02 [Vou]: lol
Salis is Turkish.

2007-08-02 [Lin-tastic]: And Silas I know from [Silas the Albino]...XD

2007-08-02 [Sharky87]: XD

2007-08-02 [Sharky87]: Nienna? XD Wee! I also have a char named another XD

2007-08-03 [Lin-tastic]: You guys really don't wait for someone to post...I suppose it didn't help I wasn't online at all yesterday...XD I went to a fair! Woot!

2007-08-07 [Lin-tastic]: Where is Salis, Vatheris, Nienna and Randin?...wait, nevermind. No one answer that.

2007-08-07 [Sharky87]: I dont know where Salis is..and...Salis is my char... O.o XD

2007-08-07 [Vou]: They are in the forest. x)
Should I make a page for the forest?

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: -shrugs- Maybe...didn't they leave Glacier Falls, but haven't gone into the den? My advice would be to make a braod page that has names like "Niveus Territory" and "Orinthos Territory" so it's a bit more complicated, but fun at the same time. ^_^ ♥

2007-08-08 [Vou]: Alright. x)

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: -nods- ^_^ Good idea, no?

2007-08-08 [Vou]: Yes. x)

2007-08-08 [Lin-tastic]: XD Yep!

2007-08-10 [Ikko]: O.O

2007-08-16 [Lin-tastic]: Where is BlackKnight's player?

2007-08-16 [Ikko]: right here ><'

2007-08-16 [Lin-tastic]: Sorry! I forget V.V

2007-08-16 [Ikko]: XD

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